Branding & Design

Creating an identity for a brand or branding for a product is maybe even more important than setting up a campaign. Since we are aesthetic lovers, it’s in our core to create stunning and unique visual languages for products, campaigns, concepts and brands. How can we make you beautiful?


Become a Prince

Prince asked us to come up with a campaign with a consumer generated avatar mechanic. We decided that Prince deserved a break, and that consumers could take his place by creating their own Prince Character. This is the story…


Born from steel

This Belgian barbecue brand wanted to become a more distinctive player amongst its competitors. We thought up a bold & adventurous brand positioning that was focused on a male audience, containing a strong baseline: Born from steel, raised by men.


Future of snacking

‘What would the future of snacking be?’ a client asked us. An assignment we took dead serious and the result is something to be proud of: a modular fresh and younger approach where millennials and Gen Z can relate to.


Laurence d’Ari

Founder and Creative Director, Laurence Bourguignon, has always been passionate about sunglasses. When she decided to launch her own collections, she asked Amphion to create a stylish brand identity and look to kick-off her new brand: Laurence d’Ari.

Want to see more? Let’s meet!


Maison La Lorraine

A new pastry range from LaLorraine was ready to be launched. But who would they talk to, what is the brand story and how would they strategically approach their future consumers? An A to Z assignment we truly dig.


Ready. Set. Fifthplay

Smart living is the way to go. Fifthplay, a new player of smart home devices, asked us to create an identity, and packaging design for their future-proof products.The result: a smart looking and aesthetic pack design with a clear and fresh graphical language. Let’s play!